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It has an ideal location, the guest can easily reach the hotel by any means of transport, is located just 10 minutes drive from Francisco Sarabia International Airport and close to entertainment venues such as Central Torreon and Estadio Corona.This upscale all-suite hotel is perfectly suited to meet guests short or extended stay accommodation needs when traveling for business or pleasure.Every 2-room suite features separate living and sleeping areas,a s well as a fully-equipped kitchen. The suite is large enough for work, study or entertaine yourself, and features all the comforts of home including 2 TV's, Video Cassette Player or on-demand movies, complimentary High speed internet access, 2 phones with data ports, a full-size refrigerator, microwave and coffee maker.Turn right to leave the airport. Turn left onto Francisco S. Tinoco. Turn right onto Ave. Bravo and turn left onto Xochmillo which becomes Jose Vasconcelos. The hotel is located on the left side, just past the intersection of Jose Vasconcelos and Paseo de Tecnologico.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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