Set in the peaceful seaside village of Iraion on the island of Samos, this family-run hotel is just a few steps from the beach and a short walk from the town's taverns and shops. Visitors might take a day trip to Samos city with a ferry from the port at Pythagoreio, just seven kilometres away, or explore the nearby Heraion of Samos and the Eupalinean aqueduct. The Samos International Airport is only five kilometres away.The hotel's cosy, functional guest rooms are simply furnished with a television, refrigerator, and cool, tiled floors, all overlooking the picturesque village or garden. Guests can wake up to a continental breakfast in the breakfast room and enjoy a coffee in the onsite bar or shaded balcony. This hotel's comfortable rooms and ideal location near the beach and airport as well as historical attractions make it perfect for a family holiday of sea and sun.