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Hotel Jerabek originated from an old former restaurant, which was until 1950 owned by several generations of the family Je?ábkových. The restaurant was famous for its excellent cuisine, good Pilsner beer, and thus the ideal place to meet Liben elite. In 1950 the company took over the restaurant RaJ Praha 8, and building OPBH. Both of these companies led the building into disrepair and in 1986 was issued a demolition order on the subject. Just because of lack of funding for the demolition of the house was kept in very poor condition, without windows, roof and floor. In 1992, the family received this ruin back. Given that the family tradition restaurateurs with us extinct, we went into the reconstruction of a very difficult financial conditions. Within a few months, we could reconstruct the object and create a friendly family hotel with restaurant, garden restaurant and a car park.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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