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The resort is located some 416 km from Bangkok, 100 km from Phitsanulok Airport and 70 km from Petchabun town. Interesting sights nearby include the Khao Kho National Park, Sri-dit Waterfalls and the Tung Salaeng Luang National Park.The resort complex is set on a multi-layered landscape, and is designed to blend in with its natural surroundings. The accommodation on offer includes individual chalets and guest rooms in low-rise buildings (140 units in total). There are four types of chalets with between one and five bedrooms, as well as 80 rooms in five guestroom buildings. It has a lobby with 24-hour reception, 24-hour check-in/check-out service, restaurant and conference facilities. Internet access, as well as room and laundry services are all available subject to fees.Each room has a balcony where guests can sit outside and enjoy the panoramic view of the highlands whilst soaking in the fresh air. Centrally regulated air conditioning, central heating, a TV, international direct dial telephone, in-room safe, hairdryer, en suite bathroom and double beds all come as standard. The deluxe accommodation also comes with a fireplace and a spacious oval-shaped bathtub.Guests may take advantage of the outdoor swimming pool with children's pool and hot tub, as well as the sauna and steam rooms (subject to fees), snooker room (subject to fees) and tennis courts.The Phukaew terrace restaurant offers Thai and international cuisine.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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