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The hotel is located just off the Champs Elysees, that most famous of Parisian shopping streets and a few minutes walk from the Arc de Triomphe. Although only one minute from that busy street, the double-vitrage windows ensure you will hear none of the noise.

The standard rooms are small to medium in size with high ceilings.The bathrooms are tiled with beige marble tiles and the basins are hewn from solid marble.

The restaurant is contemporary in style with Japanese wall decorations. There is also a private dining room and there is service in the courtyard during the summer. The chefs are trained by the renowned Michel Troisgros.

The discreet ancienne regime style 8 storey building is an intimate hotel of 60 bedrooms built around a courtyard- the scented winter garden.

The lobby is large, filled with chic Louis XV and XVI antiques and rococo clocks alongside modernist furniture which was exclusively designed for the hotel. As elsewhere, there are paintings by the hotel's own in house Russian artist, Boris Pastoukhoff, 1894-1974.An open-plan bar can be found by the lounge.

The hotel was built in 1889 and used to be a stately home until it opened as a hotel in 1930. It is luxurious and beautifully decorated, portraying an innate attention to detail. Marlene Dietrich made it her home on frequent visits to Paris and a suite is named after her. Free WIFI connection available. (0908FP)


Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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