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Sitting just next to the popular Robinsons Forum Mall, this budget-friendly hotel is a mere 40 minutes' drive from the airport. The stretch along which this establishment sits includes also EDSA, Metro Manila's main thoroughfare. Guests who are looking for some excellent shopping, but aren't satisfied by the nearby options will be just a 10-minute drive from SM Megamall, the largest shopping mall in the country. After a day of renewing the wardrobe or upgrading the homes' tech supply guests can head back to the cosy hotel and enjoy its comforts. Those who need a little pampering can pay a visit to the spa and wellness centre, while the ones that who need to catch up on work can use the complimentary WiFi and the in-room desks. When the time for dinning comes the charming house restaurant can treat to some mouth-watering local delights and international specialities.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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