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This apartment hotel is set within 80 m of a sandy beach. Links to the public transport network are 80 m away and the town centre of Alcúdia is about 1.5 kms away. A wide variety of options for water sports is about 100 metres from the marina. There is a golf course 1.5 kms from the hotel. This air-conditioned hotel has a total of 55 units over 4 floors. The complex features a game room, meeting rooms and a restaurant. It has a bicycle storage room, guest laundry and Internet access. The units have an en-suite bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. The hotel has a garden area with heated swimming pool for adults and children. Complete professional programmes are offered for athletes. Nordic walking, horseback riding, tennis, soccer and diving also feature. Guests can select their breakfast and dinner from a buffet, with a regional dish of the day. There is a theme buffet twice a week.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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