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This resort is nestled in lush surroundings in the mountains, where guests can enjoy crisp and clean air from the lush surrounding forests. The resort is just 30 minutes from the main area of town, which makes it perfect for a true nature lover seeking pleasure and relaxation in the midst of a protected mountainous area of national park, far from the hustle and bustle of the city.Beautiful and serene, a small village of Northern Thai-style houses are ideal for couples or large families. A quiet place in harmony with the beauty of the proximate natural elements, this is an ideal retreat for any visitor to Ching Mai. A calming, quiet place in harmony with the beauty of natural surroundings, offers guests a restful comfort.Unique wooden Northern Thai style decorated houses and provides guests with scenic rainforest greenery views and fresh mountain air. Each house features individually controlled air conditioner, TV with satellite channels, an en-suite bathroom with shower and bath.The resort features an all year outdoor swimming pool for guests to relax in. The resort also offers laundry and room services and there is a facility for a conference or meeting sessions with free WiFi to support the guests need.The hotel offers delicious fines Thai food and uniquely personalized services.From Chiang Mai Airport head south towards Ban Ton Kok. Stay on until the end of the road then make a left. Take the first right, then take the third right after that. Take the first left, then at the third three way intersection take a left again. Head straight for about 2 km.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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