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This hotel is located in the North of Cebu, a three hour drive from the city. From the hotel you can admire the longest coastline in the entire province of Cebu, with natural white beaches, coral gardens and tropical fish. While staying here you can enjoy different boat trips along the San Remigio Coast line, or learn to dive at the hotels diving school, you can also go horse riding along the beach. The hotel pool offers fun for the children including two awesome slides as well as a relaxing Jacuzzi for the adults. There is a sea pool party area where you can hold parties while enjoying the wonderful sea views. For more formal events you can use the elegant convention hall. There is also a pool club house, a billiard hall a basketball court and a children's playground. The hotel offers different eating and drinking options. The rooms are all air-conditioned and have hot showers.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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