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The hotel is located in the central MittE neighborhood with an important history load and many mysteries awaiting.The hotel's typical berlin industrial structure was home to the STASI. And if that wasn't enough, the famous Check Point Charlie from the Berlin Wall is a stone's throw away from us. What is also literally round the corner is the well-known Friedrichstrasse; the perfect place for shopping, you will definitely love it.Gat Point Charlie stands for friendship. Designed from start to finish to achieve out of your stay something beyond enjoyable. The Room Room is a good spot to have a cocktail with friends, and when it gets to getting some rest, the beds available in all 140 rooms, will make you quickly surrender to Morpheus arms.A healthy breakfast will be waiting for you in the morning, the perfect way to reload the energies you will need to conquer the Berlin streets!

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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